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Thoughts & Inspiration

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” -Shakespeare 

Or maybe “to do, or not to do” would be a better question…


What does it actually mean to be? The phrases “be still” or “cease striving” appear frequently throughout the Bible. You’ve heard the phrases such as: “let go, and let God” or “just be”. But, HOW? What does healthy being look like? 

The American culture of busy, busy, busy has worn me down. I honestly struggle to enjoy even 5 minutes of rest. My mind is plagued with neverending to-do lists. I feel guilty for not doing something constantly. Especially now on the mission field, I feel a pressure to make exceptionally good use of my time because so many have given generously to get me here. 

I’m only one week in on the World Race, and I already hit a point last night of being completely exhausted socially, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. I know this isn’t what I was created for. I’m not supposed to exhaust myself to the point of not being truly present for any one thing. As quantity has gone up, my quality has gone down. I hate that! I don’t want to do anything half-heartedly because I’ve run myself ragged. It’s not fair to my team or the people I’m here to love. 

I’m sure you can relate. So, how do we change this? 

The difference between a human being and a human doing has been on my mind for the last year or so. I like to start by identifying the issue and digging down to its roots. I also like words and word roots, so here’s what I dug up: 

Being: the fact of existing 

Doing: action, performance, execution 

It comes down to existence and action. Which is tricky as a Christian because we are called to both be still before God, yet also go out into all the world. Can we live in this world as Mary’s without Martha’s to feed, clothe, and care for us? Is it possible to do both?

In all honesty, I don’t have an answer yet. Maybe it’s a fine balance between the two… Maybe it’s focusing more on the heart posture of opening my hands and heart before God and allowing Him to guide how I use my time… Maybe it’s as simple as planning a day to simply rest… 

While on the World Race, my squad observes a Sabbath day each week. Basically, it’s just a free day without any scheduled or required activities. We can use it to rest, spend quality time together, be silent (try this for a morning or a full day – it’s amazing!), go for a walk, read, do laundry…whatever refuels and refreshes us. Or like today, go full Tarzan mode and swing off a rope into the river with a few squadmates! 

Today is my second Sabbath day, and to be honest, it’s still a weird back and forth between feeling like I need to do something, yet also relishing the freedom to simply relax. I feel like the burden of an expectation to perform has been lifted. It is wonderfully peaceful and much needed!

As a step towards becoming a human being instead of human doing, I hope to implement a Sabbath day into my schedule when I return to the US. I want to start taking more purposeful time to simply be, and enjoy the life and the people God has given me. I don’t know exactly what that looks like yet, but I am looking forward to finding out! 

  • How do you make time to rest?
  • What are your thoughts on being versus doing or how to combine the two in a healthy way?
  • Any tips?


P.S. I LOVE Australia!!! It’s stunningly beautiful and the people are incredible. Keep an eye out for a post coming soon on all the things 🙂