
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wowza. The last week and a half has felt like at least 2 months! We have packed in a crazy amount of activities, and yet, also a blessed amount of rest and adventure time. My whole squad of 25 people plus 7 leaders is staying in Coffs Harbour, Australia. Our smaller teams are split up between two wonderful churches who generously allow us to use their facilities. Adjusting to inflatable sleeping mats, 60-second showers, and very limited alone time has been an adventure in itself!  

I absolutely love it here though. The community is family-oriented and super chill. The accents are literally the best in the world. The landscape is absolutely stunning. Did I mention we’re within walking distance of the beach? Yeah, that’s cool too.  

Our ministry this month is a partnership with the local YWAM outreach center. We already completed a pretty wide variety of tasks…yard work built shelves for the church’s storage room, street evangelism (I’ll devote a whole post to this soon because I’ve learned a life-changing approach to it!), worship, handed out almost 6,000 invitations for another church, and served in church services/outreaches.

Here are some highlights and favorite memories:

  • Survived my first 13+ hour flight and skipped a day because of the time differences (it’s +17 hours here in Australia compared to Oklahoma) 

  • Jumped off a 35ft. Jetty (pier) and swam with dolphins in the ocean 

  • Volunteered at a drug rehab center. It’s a small scale and family-run nonprofit ranch-style organization nestled up in the hills outside of town. God used the time there to confirm my dream and reignite my passion for running an at-risk youth ranch of my own someday. The way they have it set up is almost exactly what I want to do! 

  • Began the process of learning to take a weekly day of Sabbath rest (it’s so wonderful – read my last post for more info on it) 

  • Served at a local music event. If you have any experience with music festivals, you probably know how much alcohol is consumed and little clothing is worn. We handed out water, walked intoxicated people to their Ubers, held hair back and offered comfort as girls vomited and passed out, and patrolled the border to maintain safety as much as possible. It was hard watching 5,000+ people waste their lives in pursuit of a happiness and fulfillment that is only found in God. Yet, it was a beautiful opportunity to step into their lifestyle and simply love them right where they are. 

There have been some hard moments too…squad dynamics with 32 people are complicated. We are all in the learning curve right now, figuring out how to work together while we follow this crazy path God is laying before us. It’s good though. It really is. I’m beyond blessed to serve alongside so many strong Christian warriors.  

While the atmosphere is overall spiritually light here, we have also definitely encountered some darkness. I’ll be honest, spiritual battles are terrifying, but it’s also comforting to know God has already won the war. He has taught me a lot about resting in His peace in the midst of the darkness and fear. A huge thank you to my mom and all her prayer warrior friends who surrounded my squad with prayers in our time of need this past week! It’s amazing to know an army is behind us. 

And thank you, whoever is reading this, for following along and being so involved through your prayers, comments, and encouragement! It means more than words can say. 🙂

Prayer requests: 

  • Continued squad unity 

  • Our eyes would be open to the light of God’s presence around us even in the midst of darkness 

  • Physical health – a sickness has passed around our squad since Launch

  • Hearts would be convinced of a need for salvation 

  • A pastor for the Wesleyan Methodist Church that is hosting my team


18 responses to “Week 1.5 Recap”

  1. God provided a visitor at church yesterday who has family missionaries. I mentioned our prayers for you, awaiting word from you. He said to tell you NOT TO USE YOUR NAME in India. Your squad leaders probably know this, but just in case! How wonderful to read this blog from you! God is surely blessing and teaching you, brave and faithful “Totes”! Prayers always!

  2. Wow! An incredible adventure for sure. I love how your passion for a dream was reignited at the rehab center.
    I look forward to hearing about the street evangelism you mentioned and I’m eager to hear your life-changing approach to it.
    It’s so wonderful to hear of your mom & her friends praying for you and your squad. It also brings me joy to hear about your knowledge of resting in God’s peace in the midst of the darkness and fear. Way to go, my sister-in-Christ! So glad we are on the side with the victory.

  3. That’s so amazing, Victoria! Praise God for how He’s been working this past week! It’s also very cool that your passion was reignited for your youth ranch. Isn’t it amazing how God does that?!
    I’ll continue to be praying for you as you continue this adventure.

  4. The WORLD without God is messy for sure. Reading your adventures is a must and brings peace to me. Why?? Will be praying for your needs. Blessings
    PS. Right Path alive and well

  5. The WORLD without God is messy for sure. Reading your adventures is a must and brings peace to me. Why?? Will be praying for your needs. Blessings
    PS. Right Path alive and well

  6. I pray that when others meet your gaze, and those in your group, that they would see and feel the tangible love of Christ. All the love!

  7. Thank you for sharing and moving forward in what God has plan for you and your squad. Praying for y’all! God bless.

  8. Continued prayers for you. It was an honor to pray specifically for you and your squad when you felt the presence of the enemy. I’m praying God uses you and your team/squad to spread His word and that each of you will grow closer to Him in the process, that this will be a life-changing event in your life.

  9. We went back to the rehab center again today, and yet again, I felt at complete peace mixed with an excitement for the ministry. It’s truly amazing.

    Amen to being on the side of victory! It’s really pretty crazy when you think about it. God has already won, but the devil just keeps trying to tear us down anyways. I love seeing how those attacks are actually making us stronger though!

  10. Thank you! We went back to the rehab center today, and I feel so filled with peace. God is pretty cool!

  11. That’s so good to hear! I’m glad this blog can be a blessing. I truly enjoy sharing the journey with others.

    Also, glad to hear The Right Path is doing well. I’ll be praying as classes start up soon. I miss all the staff and my kids!

  12. That’s such cool timing that they visited just now. I’ll keep that in mind as we head to India in just a couple months.

    Thank you for your faithful prayers!

  13. Thank you so much! He has continued to show Himself faithful and powerful. His light is so much greater than the darkness.

  14. I do, too! What the enemy intends for our harm, God is always turning around to use for our good.

    How wonderful that you got to go to the rehab center again! The peace and excitement sensation you described, is often Holy Spirit’s leading.

    My prayer:

    Lord, thank You for this incredible journey Victoria is on. Bless her eyes to see You and Your handiwork all along the way. Give her strength to step out in faith. And may her faith be increased, as she walks in love, witnessing Your great power to transform lives.