
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Date: August 16, 2021
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Host: ATL (Ask The Lord) 


We began planning our team retreat after my conversation with my teammates, Jenn and Abbey, about operating in a gifting. Abbey has a gifting in administration and a background in retreats, so she took the lead on planning. We found a sweet guesthouse in Tbilisi, Georgia (after our first booking was canceled last minute due to fire damage – read about that in this post). During our first weekend in Georgia, we had our retreat.

The schedule was filled with time for team bonding activities, teaching, cooking together, going on walks into town, a movie night, and spending time alone with the Lord. I loved the opportunity it provided for me to hear the hearts of my teammates, see them thrive in their giftings, and learn from what God has been teaching each of us individually!

Elizabeth talked about building intimacy with Christ. She asked the question, “How do you remain intimate with God when you don’t feel it?” As I pondered it, the Holy Spirit revealed some thoughts to me…

“Your expectation to never walk through the proverbial wilderness is false. You will go through seasons of dryness and hardship. The truth is that I am still there leading you through. Yet, you have to stop kicking the rocks and complaining. Shift your focus back to Me and be willing to walk silently together over the tough terrain.
Like a GPS that says, “Continue for 100 miles”, I give the direction you need when you need it. When the way feels lonely or silent, simply continue on the highway until I redirect you, trusting that I am still with you all the way.”

Jenn taught us the second level of discipleship. Level one (which she shared during our time in Turkey) focuses on personal processing and growth. It walks through the stages of having an experience, feeling the tension, examining the source, making conclusions, deciding on applications, and growing from the situation. Level two focuses on helping others process their own growth cycle. It overlaps level one and provides you with ways to connect with others during each stage of their processing.

From that, I realized I thrive in the final stages of processing – helping others apply and grow from what they’ve learned. If you need a 5 step growth plan, I’m your gal! However, I struggle in the area of connecting and comforting during the initial tension. It is the step that builds the foundation of trust over time by walking together and showing up for each other. Without that foundation, it’s nearly impossible to pour into someone and provide a lasting effect in the latter stages of growth. My goal is to learn and practice in this area of weakness so that I can better love and serve those around me.

Lynneal shared about being the body of Christ. Each person is needed to do their unique task. One important way to do this is to celebrate the gifts and strengths you see in others rather than comparing your own lack to them. When a body (community, church, team, etc.) is united, a win for one member is a win for the whole. In the same way, when one member suffers, all suffer.

Lynneal led us through a fun activity to demonstrate this concept. She assigned a body part to each of us. I got to be the left foot. She then gave us a task to complete using only our assigned body parts. Just to make things fun, she added injuries and random limitations to her narration. It ended up being a hilariously comical, though accurately frustrating attempt to accomplish the goal of carrying a pile of belongings down the stairs.


I led a discussion on the importance of vulnerability and different ways to practice it. Vulnerability is more than sharing your deepest, darkest secrets (as our squadmate, Josiah, would say). It’s a willingness to be embarrassed, an openness to sharing your fears, and uncovering the emotions and pain beneath the surface words. It’s hard and scary, but wow, it brings about a beautiful depth of friendships and the ability to be truly known and loved for all you are. Vulnerability allows you to walk in freedom from hiding your true self or putting on a pretty mask. You are simply you.

Overall, the retreat was a great success. We each took away new concepts to practice and a greater understanding of each other. It was refreshing, brought to light some deeper issues to work through, and allowed our team to enter our final month together with a sweet time of bonding. We retreated, poured into each other, and now stand more united. 



Little did we know that the unity we found would soon be tested in the Caucasus Mountains of Mestia…



2 responses to “Retreat to Stand United”

  1. We send our love and prayers as we anticipate God’s blessings for you all!
    We praise Him for His mighty works through you and your team! Be victorious, Victoria as you finish well!

  2. What a sweet bonding time as a team! I love reading about all the ways you brought the Lord into that time and sharing things He placed on each of your hearts. Oh, what a joy it is to have you on my team now! Can’t wait to see what the next couple of months have in store.